Thursday, October 7, 2010

3-Dimensional Killer Animals

Kat, that movie looks exceptional.

Never did I think that independent cinema would be able to bring Napoleon Dynamite, The Shining, Sofia Coppola's hazed-out colour bliss and my retarded D.O.C dance moved to the table for one film. Must see.

Apologies for my lack of film festival intelligence at this point (I'm starting to feel culturally inferior and you've only posted once!) but this is, without a doubt, the most entertaining film I've seen over the last few months. Yep, it's Piranha 3D. No plot, no sequential event system of any kind, just killer fish attacking bikini clad American's on Summer Break. The character development that does occur involves a physical relationship between two lesbian porn stars which ends when their breast implants become fish fodder. In 3D.

Speaking of which, two things. 
A) Why has 3-Dimensionality become a big deal all of a sudden again? I am POSITIVE Jurassic Park had a 3D element that involved those cardboard glasses, which were, to back up my point further, a staple of my childhood. The Avatar effect? A film which I haven't seen whose plot does not excite me in the slightest - blue aliens attempting to invade Earth? Another Planet? this is how much I know about this film - and which I haven't seen is potentially responsible for the re-birth of this oh-so-eighties film accompaniament. What you reckon?
B) Almost every 3D movie involves killer animals of some kind. The aforementioned Piranha and Jurassic Park. The soon-to-be-released (OMG) Harry Potter. Just sayin'. 

I'll leave you with this cute-as-a-button image of 3D eyewear, how it should be:


  1. YAY, Courtney fix in a blog. I am rubbing my hands together with glee. x

  2. GEMMA!
    This is fun. And you can meet my new pal Kat through it.
