Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Super Hero Super Swans

Courtney Says...

The above titling of our blog posts does look overly obnoxious doesn't it. It also suggests that people other than ourselves are actually going to read this which is awkward because let's face it, apart from the people I have either specifically sent the link too - these are very close friends who will indulge me regardless of my lack of talent - and perhaps the occasional person who stumbles across it whilst looking for the ramblings of a draining spoilt 13 year old (because let's face it, that is the person who should be writing under such a blog title), no-one apart from us is going to read it. Woe is me. 

You raised a number of points in your last post but I'm going to start by addressing the most frightening: the fact that you watched a movie about two horses falling in love. Not only do I have to question what RSS feeds you are following to even find out about a Belgium movie whose subject matter is such, but I have to go so far as to say that it brings into play an entire new set of issues surrounding our playful courting (but failure to address) of an issue that I never thought would be raised between the two of us. And it actually follows on from a conversation I had the other night. OK, two-pronged attack: A) the internet is a fucked up place where pretty much any thing can go down and absolute niches can be indulged and B) we are talking about horses right now. So the story goes, that these two people met online in a dating forum and their mutual appreciation for horses fuelled enough interest that they wanted to meet. This meeting occurred at a ranch (yes, took place in America) where horses were plentiful and apparently the sequence of events escalated quite quickly. I would like to point out at this point that A) I am regretting having brought this story up in the blog context almost as much as I regret saying or doings things whilst intoxicated at 3 o'clock in the morning B) I was not the person who found this story online, and the person who did assures me they just 'stumbled' across it (much like I imagine you stumbled across that film) and C) I do not know, but sincerely hope, this is not true. 

From one animal to another (what is this?!). Anyway, yes, Black Swan does look amazing. I always like it when Natalie Portman sheds her cute-but-slightly-off-kilter girl-next-door persona (read: Garden State and pretty much anything she is in that involves a romantic plotline with anyone but the devil in). Add to that the fact that it's an Aronofsky film, features, as you have excitedly pointed out Mila Kunis in an equally as debaucherous un-type role, and I think this is goign to be good. Plus, it's a film about dance that I imagine isn't going to systematically involve a group of terribly untalented white 'modern dance' students making choreographed sexual advances towards the camera. Step Up Black Swan. I also liked that you suggested my post about the fashion industry was a "philosophical enquiry into perfection" when all I really thought it was was an uninformed rant fuelled by a photograph of a girl who I'm sure is really quite lovely in real life and doesn't really deserve to have her image used for my self-indulgent and bitter rhetoric that probably stems back to the fact that I never made it as a model in a past life or something. 

Finally, while we're talking about seeking perfection online and offline, with mammals and without, I thought I'd proffer this excellent article from Adbusters about online communities and how they are pretty much putting so much pressure on the Japanese - who as we know are well ahead of the rest of us technologically - they are pretty much all committing suicide. Just casually.

I think if I was meeting horse-loving chat-site-visiting freaks from the bible belt of the States online, I'd probably want to kill myself as well. As it is, my little corner pretty much involves this blog and Gawker.com. Read this HILARIOUS post about the latest episode of Gossip Girl (do you indulge) if you get a moment. It's about 2ooo words (I know) presenting the most ridiculous conundrums rife in the series while at the same time blowing your socks off with its wit, purposeful spelling errors and references to teen dramas of the 1990's. Also, don't you love how this promotional shot not only references Courtney Cox et al's fountain-dwelling introduction to Friends but also maybe hints to the fact that a couple of the people in this line-up have supernatural powers and are potentially going to save New York from an apocalyptic [fashion] crisis. Ticking all the boxes, just like us, aye?

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