Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Unbearable Thought of a Horse as a Sex Columnist

Firstly, I'm sorry for upsetting your predisposition towards equine mammals. My curiosity for those creatures was systematically destroyed by both being kicked by one as a child and by Daniel Radcliffe shedding Griffyndor robes in favour of bestiality on the stage. I hope you won't hold this against me.
Secondly, I think a horse could have played Carrie Bradshaw far more eloquently than SJP, and perhaps  written the original columns in a more exploratory way than Bradshaw herself. Not only would a horse have had a firmer grip on what members of the opposite sex are thinking (this an assumption based on the fact that horses have an equal emotive intuition towards both sexes by being members of neither), horses are more attractive than Carrie Bradshaw and therefore would've had more opposite sex-experience to draw on in said columns. 

Although a Horse Sex Columnist would ultimately involve something highly illegal. Connundrum. 

On a lighter-slash-heavier note (appropriate considering forthcoming book), I just finished reading the Unbearable Lightness of Being. I closed its wonderfully doggy-earred pages on the bus on the way back from the North Shore yesterday morning and as I read the last sentence I was almost physically ill due it its gut-wrenching quality. This is not some attempt to sound in touch with my intellectual-emotive capacities (of which are severely lacking) rather an account of how intensely affecting that book is. Have you read it? It just ends, having stated the most poignant things about human nature. I think I'm still getting over it haha.

There is also a section in it which describes the intelligence of animals and their ability to be emotional, hence why I brought it up. What am I going to read now?

P.S: Please don't EVER diss Alanis again. This shit's powerful, thank you:

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